TMJ is a pain that is centered in the joint of the jaw. The joint of your jaw is located just in front of your ear and sometimes the pain that is associated with TMJ may involve the face, eye, forehead, ear or neck. If you are experiencing a pain in your jaw, or a popping or clicking noise, then this may be a symptom of TMJ. Other signs include ear pain or sounds of cracking in your ears. Even ringing sounds or a fullness in your ears can be attributed to TMJ. Headaches and blurred vision are all life changing situations, so Instead of trying to manage the pain that is associated with TMJ, visit a dental care specialist who can help you get back on the road to wellness.
Facial or Cheek Pain
If you have facial pain or cheek pain, you should seek medical attention. If you have chronic pain or tenderness in your jaw, or if you can’t open or close your jaw completely, then one of our TMJ specialists at Scott J Owens DDS Cosmetic & Family Dentistry can discuss possible causes and treatments for your problem. Experiencing facial pain can be bothersome and disruptive to your life. There are different treatments that may reduce your symptoms dramatically that your dentist can recommend to help you alleviate your pain.
TMJ Risk Factors
Thousands of Americans this year will be diagnosed with this disorder of the jaw that is called temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders, or commonly known as TMJ. The jaw dropping facts are that TMJ affects more than twice as many women than men, especially those of childbearing age between the ages of 18 and 44. And of course, people who have a lot of stress in their lives may have an increased risk of developing TMJ, but fortunately there are options.
At Scott J Owens DDS Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, we are specialists in the treatment of TMJ. We can correct your misaligned bite and reduce the inflammation of your temporomandibular joint.
Patients with misaligned bites or damaged teeth sometimes aggravate the symptoms that are associated with TMJ, necessitating a restorative and cosmetic dentistry approach. If you readjust your bite, this can lessen or eliminate facial pain and discomfort.