
Partial and Complete Dentures
Do you need partial or complete dentures? The dentists at Scott J Owens DDS Cosmetic & Family Dentistry are highly experienced with crafting well-fitting denture sets – guaranteed to last for several years. Our team offers only the most accurate, thorough dental services to patients in and around Farmington Hills, MI.

Are Dentures for You?
A denture is intended to replace missing teeth and gums – giving wearers an enhanced smile. The main reason a denture is needed is tooth loss, either partial or complete. As a removable dental appliance, a denture is designed to simplify basic tasks, such as speaking and eating. Our trained professionals can create new denture sets or adjust existing ones in a timely manner.

Types of Dentures
There are two types of denture appliances available to our Farmington Hills patients: partial and complete dentures. Partial dentures are perfect for patients who have lost several teeth in an arch, while complete denture sets are suited for total loss in an arch. Complete sets are either conventional or immediate – meaning they’re either made after the gums have healed prior to teeth loss or before, respectively.

About the Process
At Scott J Owens DDS Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, getting fitted for partial, complete, or specialty dentures takes several weeks. This is because precise measurements are required to prevent ill-fitting dentures. Our dentists go above and beyond to ensure our patients’ new denture sets are comfortable and perfectly shaped. We’ll educate you on what to expect while you go through the adjustment process, as well as how to care for your new denture.

We’re Here to Help
From us, you can expect personalized and precise dental care – every step of the way. To get fitted for your new denture set, call us at 248-626-0772.

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